Leftover Love
Judy Phipps
Have you ever considered the things we don’t use,
The stuff set aside, and for years we don’t choose.
There are things in the attic, the garage has its fill
In the closets and fridge and the bags for Goodwill.
There’re leftover things all around us we know
Which we don’t really need, we just can’t let them go.
With this in our minds let us ponder a bit
Regarding our lives and the meaning of it.
There are other surpluses not easily seen
That are wasted if not used in our daily routine.
There’s one in particular, I point out at this time
It’s a favorite of humans, both yourself and mine.
It’s the love that we keep from the world as a whole,
Keeping family together is our primary goal.
When the family is scattered and gone out the door,
After hugging and kissing and hugging some more,
The day lies before us in myriad ways
Some stay at home, others work toward a raise.
And we don’t let out love till we’re once again home,
Holding on to our families, till everyone’s grown.
We cook for them, clean for them, drive them to school.
We love them the best – our own golden rule.
What happens between the morning and night,
When we’re out in the world taking on the big fight
Is just simply a case of leftover love,
We hoard it, we save it from heaven above.
When what should we do with it, truth be told,
Is freely and willingly give it like gold.
To the stray that needs water, the wilted plant, too.
The boy on the corner in clothes he outgrew.
The cat that needs combing, the dog that needs hugs,
The catch and releasing of bees and of bugs.
A hand on the shoulder of a man who can’t see,
A smile for the stranger who fears you and me.
A bouquet of flowers we cut from the yard
We take to a nursing home, tuck in a card.
Holding the hand of a neighbor in need,
Volunteering for causes or a good deed.
Kissing a child we don’t know but who needs it.
Giving a compliment to one who believes it.
Waving a flag with tears in our eyes,
At a gathering where a hero now lies.
Calling our dad cause he’s now on his own.
To just reassure he will not be alone.
The thing about leftover love that is best,
Is when it’s passed on, which you might have guessed,
Is it’s not diminished or used up at all,
But grows till it’s unbelievably tall.
We’re telling the world it’s a good place to be
By giving our love voluntarily.
Being a model for love and for peace,
May in some small way cause the fighting to cease.
If just a few fights, in just a small way,
Then leftover love spent, makes good use of our day.